The power of words and believes have an enormous effect on our lives and our success. Change your reality by changing your internal language.
The following video is a must watch/listen! Chris Do gives an amazing presentation on how our reality is formed by our belief structures. If you are not familiar with him, then I highly advise that you familiarize yourself with Chris Do and his company, thefutur.
It is a longer video, but completely worth your time to watch.
Here is a very quick summary of this video on changing our believes:
Believe Systems: Our believes and thoughts form our identity
Story Teller: Does the story you tell yourself match the story others say about you?
Word Jitsu: The lies we tell ourselves become our limiting believes.
Re:action: By reframing the words we express about a situation allows us to reframe the experience gain from the event.
Incomplete Sentences: Simply change the meaning of a negative statement or believe by adding a positive twist. ex: I can't put out good content...yet.
Enemy Within: Overcome the inner critic.
This speech was given at the AIGA Design Conference in 2019.